Thursday, January 13, 2011

Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt

The goddess Artemis offered Bianca di Angelo a choice the other day:  Join me and my huntresses and you will become immortal.

Immortality, however, comes with a price.  Bianca will stop growing.  She will be a young, middle-school aged girl forever.  She must promise to follow Artemis wherever she may go.  She may see her brother, but only on occasion since boys are not usually allowed in Artemis's camp.  She can never fall in love and never marry.  If she breaks the rules, she breaks the bond with Artemis and dies.

However, if she chooses to pledge herself to Artemis and become a huntress, the only way she can die is in battle.  Which, Artemis promises, hardly ever happens.
What would you do if you were Bianca?  Considering all the things you'd have to give up, would you want to be immortal?  Why or why not?

Google Artemis.  Make a list of all the things that she is the goddess of.