Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back to School 2011

I would like to welcome each of you to my classroom and wish you a "Happy School Year!"  I am very excited about this year at CMS.  In this class, we will be working together to become better readers.  In order to do this, I have several goals for you:
  1. We will read fluently (clearly, and at a good speed-- not too fast, not too slow)
  2. We will read accurately (pronouncing each word correctly the first time, and recognizing our mistakes when we make them).
  3. We will read using comprehension skills (learning ways to understand what we are reading, and being able to discuss, answer questions, and write about what it is that we have read).
I know that if we work together as a class, we will be able to achieve these goals. 

With that said, in the comments section below, write 3 goals that you would like to set achieve for yourself during the next school year.