Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ancient Greece: The Birthplace of Democracy

Over 2400 years ago, the famous Greek general, Pericles, said, "It is true that we (Athenians) are called a democracy, for the administration is in the hands of the many and not the few, with equal justice to all alike in their private disputes."

The Greek democracy that Pericles spoke of was the first democracy in the history of the world.  Our form of government was invented by the Greeks, but there were differences between our governments.  For example, in Ancient Greece all were required by law to vote.  In America people only vote if they want to, and sometimes not very many people vote on a law or election.

Which way do you think is better?  The Ancient Greek way of being required to vote or the American way of choosing  to vote?  Explain why you feel the way you feel.

The Olympic Games

The first olympic games were held in Ancient Greece.  They were a HUGE part of Greek culture.  Each city-state sent athletes to compete for them.  Go to this website http://greece.mrdonn.org/olympics.html and read about what life was like for athletes in each different city-state.  Write a paragraph telling which state you would have wanted to represent and why.

7 Wonders of the World

The Ancient Greeks were the first people to create a list of "Seven Wonders of the World."  This was kind of like a travel guide of must-see places.  Make a list (use a search engine such as Google to help with your research) of these "Seven Wonders" (be sure to look for "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" since there is a modern list too).  Out of all the places, which one would you most like to visit and why?

The Twelve Olympians

Which twelve Greek gods and goddesses make up the original twelve olympians?  Make a list; then, write a paragraph explaining which god or goddess is your personal favorite and why.