Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Twelve Olympians

Which twelve Greek gods and goddesses make up the original twelve olympians?  Make a list; then, write a paragraph explaining which god or goddess is your personal favorite and why.


  1. The twelve Greek Olympians were Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Dionysus, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Hermes. My favorite God/Goddess is Poseidon because he is the God of Water. His most powerful weapon is turning bad people into water with his trident. Bad people to him where those who he felt offended by. I also like him because he can make earthquakes happen in a quick second. Poseidon controlled the water and sailors would pray to him and ask for a safe voyage, becausse he could simply make them wreck.
    DeQuavious Edwards

  2. The twelve Greek Olympians were Zeus,Hera,Poseidon,Demeter,Athena,Dionysus,Apollo,Artemis,Ares,Aphrodite,Hephaestus,and Hermes.Will my favorite is between the Gods/Goddess is Poseidon because he shows alot of respect.His power is like awesome because Poseidon can be bad God or a good God.But this God personaly is like my hero for life but he got water power that means he is the man.But Poseidon is pretty poerfully because he can turn humans into a fish WOW!thats awesome right in mine eyes that is a powerfully God.But that why i pick Poseidon as my God because he's powerfully and he gives respect to other people. (Rodney Tillery)

  3. The twelve greek olympians were zeus,hera,poseidon,demeter,athene,dionysus,apollo,artemis,ares,aphrodite,hephaestus,andhermes my favort is poseidon because he can control the water and he can breth under water and he dont half to get wet if he dont want to thats why i like poseidon as a greek god austin gunter

  4. The Twelve Greek Olympians, Zeus,Hera ,Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo ,Artemis, Ares, Aohrodite, and Hermes. my favorite god/goddess is zeus becouse he is the god of lihgting and i thank it will be alsome to be god of lihgting. and my seount favorit god is hermes becouse he is god of war and it woud be cool to be the god of war. and my three favorit god is poseidon becouse he is the god of the sae.

